
2001-10-05 | 3:35 p.m.
lay back and groove on a rainy day

so, yeah, what a crazy week. everything seemed to work itself out and i find myself humming along at my good natured pace. the only bad news i might have to share is i'm making an appointment to see another orthopedic surgeon about my knee. it's getting way out of hand. i'm always in pain, just varied degrees(thanks michelle for the degree's). usually i can suck it up and it doesn't bother me, but now it's to the point of being completely intolerable. i hope this new guy can fix it.

i have to go look at a couch this week since my brother and dane are moving out on saturday. i found one i like and it matches michelle's color scheme, so i might get it sunday.

i hope this weather turns around. i don't want it to rain on scott and hilary's wedding day. speaking of that day. holy sheeite does michelle look ultra hot in the dress we got her yesterday. i will be honored to be her escort for the evening. i'm really not deserving. i'm a lousy bum steel worker who dresses like a slob. definetly a case of beauty and the beast.

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