
2001-12-21 | 11:16 a.m.
bah humbug

i saw lord of the rings last night with my dad, josh, marie, my step-sisters and some other people i don't know. what an awesome movie. i am getting tired of computerized animation. i think it's wonderful that they can make worlds and landscapes, but sometimes the characters still look a little too cartoony. i miss the old days of people in rubber costumes. it seemed much more realistic. i do recommend the movie. it was very good. i finally got to see a star wars episode II trailer while i was there. i have the same one on my computer, but it's much better at the show.

today's battle of the bands should be interesting to say the least. i'm sure i'll have t tolerate some things i really don't feel like tolerating. i guess i'll have to put on my best, fake, happy face and be cordial. sometimes i think it would be easier to just run, but i'm not like that. this is going to make this new year's eve just as enjoyable. someone give me a fucking gun.

on top of all this stupid horse shit, my mom is going to denver to be with my sister for christmas. it's going to be strange just me and josh hanging out. i mean we are going to my aunt's on the eve and then to my step sister's house on christmas to be with my dad, but it won't be the same. i have no use for christams this year. it's become way too commercialized and they base our economy on how well people blow their money. not to mention, i really don't have anyone to blow my money on like i was expecting to. oh well i guess. life moves on as will i. "there's a way i feel right now, wish you'd help but you don't know how. we're all nuts so who helps who? some help but no one's got a clue." the wagon dinosaur jr.

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