
2002-04-29 | 3:57 a.m.

nothing better than hanging out and talking about what makes people tick. i must say that i'm glad i've gotten to know ed sertage better in the last few months. we both can talk music shop like nobody's business and we both have similar views on music in general. we were discussing what makes downriver bands a little different from everyone else. downriver bands have just a pinch more filth than everyone else. there is always an extra chug or guitarmony that other bands wouldn't think to dare put into their songs. we talked about how it sucks that there has to be this "scene" seperation. "we're from livonia", "we're from downriver", "we're from the eastside". we should all just get together and rock this fucking place down to the foundation that the mc5 and the stooges were born out of. pick each other up, promote each other, go to each others shows. i know, i can only dream.

thanks to john williams for an awesome cd mix. i forgot how good grade, braid, coalesce, old jimmy eat world and jets to brazil are. i miss this music.

music is the topic of the day, can you tell? i miss playing it. i need to get off my ass and do some shit now. i just don't know who to ask or who's available. damn.

it's good to have ralph home.

"thank you for taking me from this monestary, i was dying to get out, with tears of gratitude i like my latitude."

sweet avenue -jets to brazil-

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