
2002-11-25 | 2:22 p.m.
sleep deprivation device (a.k.a. great lakes steel)

i'm seriously having the worst set of midnights. i haven't slept in days. i sleep for about three hours, wake up, toss and turn and maybe fall back asleep for an hour or two if i'm lucky. i'm getting pretty wore out. i'm glad this is the last time i'll have to work these bastards for a while. i woke up today because i was having the craziest dreams. they were too real and i woke up angry and sad. i hate that a dream could have that much of an affect on me that i wake up in a bad mood. i don't remember all of the dream, but i remember little chunks and bits and now that i'm up, they don't make any sense.

i think i'll treat myself to a haircut and maybe some good eats. maybe i'll be able to take a nap later. either kind will do.

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