
2003-05-13 | 4:25 p.m.
the clone wars

i went to see chasing traces of you last night at the magic stick. i swear, that place should be called "the land of a thousand clones". it's funny how every person or rather, every "cool" kid there looked exactly the same. what happened to individuality. oh, and heaven forbid if you don't play the part. there were a few people who actually stood out and to them goes my applaud.

the show was for a local independent book store/record label trying to get funds together for a diy place to play that keeps clear channel the fuck out of our music. i'm totally for this. what i'm not for is the political jargon that typically goes along with these places. they had pamphlets out on "why vegan is best" and "free mumia" (a fucking murderer), and the usual mumbo jumbo that goes along. i wish it could have just been about the music and giving the kids a place to play without the political arena.

some shit is getting old. very old. especially around here.

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