
2003-12-14 | 11:17 a.m.
taking a trip

so, i had to go to the hospital last night. i was running a fever all day and i couldn't get it to break. when i go to the hospital, i was running a 104 degree fever. no wonder i felt so bad. they thought i was borderline with pneumonia, but thank god it's only a really bad case of influenza. i can't ever remember being knocked down so hard by a cold. after about two hours of being in the hospital they finally got my fever to break. the doctor said i was pretty dehydrated too. i had to get an i.v. needless to say, once they broke the fever and got fluids (even though i was drinking buckets of water and hawaiin punch) in me, i felt a little better. my lungs still feel like i'm breathing fire, but i feel a lot better today than i did yesterday.

i woke up to the pretty snow on the ground. i think it's the only thing i like about winter.

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