
2001-06-09 | 1:20 a.m.
gone fishin

LONG WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i live for my long weekends. i work too much of a fucked up schedule to not get these days off. tonight i went to see some really good detroit area bands. i saw, strapped to a rocket, april in athens and small craft sighting at the bittersweet cafe. it was a rockin good time.

michelle is home from maine and that makes me a happy, happy boy. we ironed out all our little differences and are little happy campers again. i love this girl.

going fishing with my dad in just a few hours. i think he's trying to make amends for the fucked up life he handed me. you see, he's an extreme christian. full on baptist and your all going to burn in hell kinda guy. i really don't know my dad except for his christian la la outer shell. i couldn't really tell you anything about him and i think that's awful.

i think scotty b, michelle and myself might jam a little bit. i think it could be fun. poppy, indie poop. easy, nothing that you have to rack your brains over. good hook, good vocal melodies and a good time had by all.

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