
2001-06-20 | 7:13 p.m.
young grasshopper

i'm discovering that, like most things, the internet is a complete bore. the "new electronic age" is here! big whoop de do. it bores me. it was fun at first. all this information, all this porn, all these neat pictures. i couldn't believe my eyes. i could spend a lifetime on the computer and never have to interact with another soul again. but, like all things, it had to come to an end.

i remember being a child and the smallest thing would fascinate me for days. i could spend years just chasing down helpless grasshopers so i could hold them by their back legs and make them fly around the yard with the whoosh sounds you make when your little. of course, you had to hold them by their back legs or you would get "tobacco" on you. you know, the stuff grasshoppers spit out when they get scared or pissed. all day long, grasshopper huntin and if you came across a frog in the meantime, you were in heaven. go in grab some empty glass jar, have mom poke a couple holes in the lid and you had a pet for the next couple of days.

it seems to me, that the wizards of the modern world tried to capture that same fascination. i don't think it'll ever compare. we've become too short attention spanned for it. it always has to be faster, quicker, more flavor, more toxins and something to get you more fucked up. it all bores me to death. i think i'll go chase around a couple grasshoppers.

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