
2002-02-13 | 3:35 p.m.
knees and more knees

so my computer keeps shitting out on me. i don't know what the deal is. i think i might spend some of the money the government is giving back to me on upgrading some stuff.

my last midnight tonight. i can't wait to get it over with. i hate these things. i get to stop feeling like a zombie after tonight.

well, i got my mri a few days ago. now i go see the surgeon on the 22nd and find out when i have my surgery. i'm a bit nervous. two knee surgeries in just over two years. that can't be good. i'm taking applications for anyone who wants to help me out while i'm down. just email me.

after all this knee talk, i'm still excited to possibly play hockey this sunday. it depends on what i work and if i can find nets. i tossed the old ones when i cleaned out the garage a couple of months ago when it was really warm in the middle of winter.

off to physical therapy to get abused.

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