
2002-12-04 | 3:25 p.m.
blah blah blah. who cares?

it's that time of year when people insist on driving like assholes. it's slippery, don't tailgate me in case i have to stop suddenly. don't pull out in front of me. i may have anti-lock brakes but that doesn't mean i can stop in time. i almost plowed into some 17 yr old jackass today. he pulled right out in front of me. i honked my horn and he flipped me off. stupid fuck, i should have slammed into the side of his car doing the 40 miles an hour i was doing.

it took 23 minutes to freeze a can of water this morning. that pretty much means it's friggin cold. 3 whole degrees when i got to work this morning. we threw it in a scrap box for the fun that follows. when 2800 degree iron hits water or in this case ice, it explodes. yeah, we were bored at work today.

i want to go see episode II at the imax this week. i just need to find someone who can go.

"nothing is sacred, nothing is moral."

the name of one of my friend ricky's paintings.

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