
2003-02-02 | 9:48 a.m.
i'm smart

just for fun, i took an I.Q. test yesterday. i scored a 140. i'm "highly intelligent." it was fun. i wish i could remember the web address. i'm sure it's not a real i.q. test, but it was still fun. my friend annie scored a 149 so she taunted me all day. i had to prove the braun over brains theory.

the ice is melting. it's been so warm the lsat few days. i was supposed to go play ice hockey at a outdoor rink in detroit yesterday, but the ice was all slushy like. i was bummed out.

i downloaded some ride. it's one of those dreamy, brit pop bands from the early 90's. great stuff.

i have to go to the funeral of the guy who died at my work today. it's gonna be really weird. i just found out he and his wife had just had a child. it's sad that that boy will never understand what happened to his daddy because of a neglegent management at a steel mill wouldn't listen to it's workers complaining of the ice around the mill. bastards.

"i thought you'd be there holding daisies. she always waits for me."

"stars" -hum-

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